Klimat testkammare

RTCA DO-160G Testning av temperaturhöjd
RTCA DO-160G is a live document that contains environmental testing requirements for aircraft. The official title of the document is Environmental Conditions and Airborne Equipment Test Procedures.RTCA DO-160G is commonly used for hardening and stress testing of servers in military and commercial test standards, and is often used to evaluate computer server testing for supersonic transport aircraft, jumbo j
MIL-STD 883 Temperaturcykeltestning-klimatkammare
Temperaturcykelproceduren som specificeras i MIL-STD-883 Metod 1010 innebär vanligtvis att en del eller enhet utsätts för ett temperaturintervall från lågt till högt och tillbaka igen, vilket genererar låg/medelfrekvent mekanisk påfrestning under en specificerad tidsperiod. Detta test är utformat för att bedöma tillförlitligheten och hållbarheten hos en del eller enhet och identifiera eventuella problem som kan uppstå till följd av exponering för
MIL-STD-810G Test för hög temperatur--Klimatkammare
The MIL-STD-810G test method was developed specifically for dod applications, but can also be customized for commercial applications and includes a variety of environmental tests, including: Low Pressure (Altitude) ,High Temperature,Low Temperature,Temperature Shock,Salt Fog ,Sand and Dust,Vibration,shock, this article is mainly about High temperature test 501.5 in MIL-STD-810G test method Purpose The MIL-STD
ISO 16750-4 Klimat testkammare Test Method
ISO 16750 certification is designed to qualify road vehicles. This document specifies environmental procedures and tests for electrical and electronic equipment. In fact, it applies to the electrical and electronic systems/components of the vehicle. It describes potential environmental limitations and specifies recommended tests and requirements for specific mounting locations on/inside the vehicle ISO 16750 climat
IEC 60068 Miljötestning
IEC 60068 Miljötestning is an internationally recognized standard developed by the International Electrotechnical Commission and is a collection of methods for environmental testing of electronic equipment, components and electromechanical products to assess their performance and survivability under conditions such as transport, storage, operating environments, extreme cold and extreme heat. Temperature chan
ASTM E1171 Testmetod för miljötestkammare för solcellsmodul
ASTM E1171 Environmental Test Chamber Test Method is a standard published by the American Society for Materials and Testing (ASTM International) that standardizes test methods for environmental testing chamber  The ASTM E1171 test method provides procedures for applying stress to photovoltaic modules in simulated temperature and humidity environments. Environmental tests are used to simulate accelerated aging of